Thursday, August 30, 2007

The Half-Life of Shoes

Like everyone I'm worried about my rate of decay. Therefore, I needed to start a blog to determine my half-life. Why not my whole-life you ask? Well, for those of you who fell asleep in Physics class or were too occupied building bridges with popsicle sticks here's a refresher course from

1. Physics. the time required for one half the atoms of a given amount of a radioactive substance to disintegrate.
2. Pharmacology. the time required for the activity of a substance taken into the body to lose one half its initial effectiveness.
3. Informal. a brief period during which something flourishes before dying out.

Basically, am I a radioactive substance? And if so how much of me can people actually handle before I lose my effectiveness and die out? Not to mention disintigrating. Keeping that in mind I hereby promise to do my best to keep you entertained if not informed, adding in a dash of humor, a pinch of wit and a sprinkle of cynacism along the way. With this recipe we'll see how long the half-life of Shoes really is.


Anonymous said...

Half-life??? Well the question is how many half-lifes have you been through?

I'd say 3 or 4 judging from the looks of you. Decay happens at varying speeds and you may be on a plateau, but this blog will drain some life out of you - especially with your crowd of readers including Moe.


Anonymous said...

Yeah half-life. Apparently, since the age of about twenty, my effectiveness has decreased exponentially by the year. And since I don't remember most of my twenties, I'm probably clinically dead already. Christ, I woke up this morning and my JAW hurt, not to mention the knee, wrist, and elbow.

Stupid Aging.